London 2015

Times |
Event |
8:00 am | Breakfast and Registration |
8:30 am |
Welcome and Introduction
8:40 am |
Reversible Inhibition of a Metabolic Regulatory Pathway at the Expanded Blastocyst Stage may affect Uterine Receptivity and induce a Delayed Implantation-like State
9:20 am |
New ERA in Implantation and Personalised Embryo Transfer (PET)
9:50 am |
Discussion |
10:10 am |
Coffee break Chair: Peter Taylor and Kate Brian |
10:40 am |
360° Fertility Care
11:10 am |
The Thyroid Conundrum
11:40 am |
Discussion |
12:00 pm |
Lunch break |
12:50 pm |
Lunch Symposium - Introduction Chair: Baroness Margaret Jay and Geeta Nargund |
1:00 pm |
Public funding for IVF in the UK. Is it fair?
1:30 pm |
How can private and voluntary sectors help with Innovation and Accessibility of fertility treatments?
1:50 pm |
Discussion |
2:10 pm |
2:20 pm |
Egg Freezing: A step closer to gender equality
2:50 pm |
Reproductive Rights or Wrongs: Is there a right to have a baby?
3:20 pm |
Discussion |
3:50 pm |
Coffee Break Chair: Juan Garcia Velasco and Jonathan Vanblerkom |
4:20 pm |
The role of advanced ultrasound in optimizing IVF outcome
4:50 pm |
IVF myths
5:20 pm |
Discussion |
5:30 pm |
closing remarks |
The International Society for Mild Approaches in Assisted Reproduction ( and Create Health Foundation ( are registered UK charities promoting women’s health and education in the UK and internationally.