ISMAAR 2018 The Ninth World Congress on Mild Approaches in Assisted Reproduction

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Louise Brown and June Sarpong, MBE attended ISMAAR 2018.
Almost 40 years ago, Jean Purdy observed that an embryo in a petri dish had divided into eight cells. It was implanted in Lesley Brown, and after nine years trying and failing to conceive, she became pregnant. 38 weeks later, her daughter Louise Joy Brown was born. Louise was the first of more than six and a half million – and counting – babies born by IVF. Today, the practice that seemed so controversial 40 years ago is commonplace. “It’s opened things up for couples that need help, same-sex couples, these are all positives,” Louise says. “It’s mind-blowing.”
Louise kindly joined us at ISMAAR 2018 on Friday 13 April to address the Congress. Louise has said:
“It is great to see all the work ISMAAR is undertaking to advance the role of natural and mild IVF options. Robert Edwards, who helped my mum have me, opened the first ISMAAR congress and he would be delighted to see how his legacy is being taken forward. He was passionate about increasing access to IVF treatment and reducing the health complications for women and children. Natural and mild IVF techniques are doing just that. I am the result of natural IVF and where it can work for a woman it should definitely be the first port of call. IVF has moved on incredibly since I was born and there are so many different techniques and treatment options available to people. I always believe that people should have treatment that is as natural as possible. We must trust the doctors and scientists, along with the regulators, to have the best interest of those being treated for infertility and children as their top priority.”
June Sarpong, a TV presenter, who has an enjoyed a 20-year career, in which she has become one of the most recognisable faces of British television, as well as being one of the UK’s most intelligent and dynamic hosts opened the event on Thursday 12 April. June is one of the only hosts of her generation that is equally comfortable interviewing politicians, celebrities and members of the public. June began her career at Kiss 100 and later became a presenter for MTV UK & Ireland, but it was when she started on Channel 4’s ‘T4’ that she became such a household name.