GIERAF : Groupe Inter-africain d’Etude de Recherche et d’Application sur la Fertilité

GIERAF is a scientific society which works for Study, Research, Prevention and Treatment of Infertility in Africa.
12 countries are belonging this society. GIERAF was founded in 2009 in Lome (TOGO )
ISMAAR is one of the 5 godmothers of GIERAF beside of IFFS, SAGO, CNGOF, SALF.
After Lome and Douala, the 3rd Congress was organized in Cotonou ( BENIN ) from 21 to 23 February 2011 and was chaired by Pr Rene Frydman, Chairman of ISMAAR.
The themes were : Management of infertility in Africa and Low cost IVF.
The congress initially planned in Abidjan had to change the site due to the political crisis in Côte d’Ivoire. Despite this last minute change, the Congress was a big success with 150 participants from 12 francophone African countries . All the Godmothers Societies and ESHRE were represented ; WHO was represented by Dr Heli Bathija Area Manager for the African and Eastern Mediterranean Regions Department of Reproductive Health and Research World Health Organization.
ISMAAR funded and hosted a post-conference Workshop on “Ultrasound and Infertility” on 23 February.
This Workshop led among others by Prof. Frydman and Dr. Jean Marc Levaillant who were assisted by Drs. Jean Marc Mayenga of France and Ernestine Gwet Bell of Cameroon.
The workshop planned for 30 participants received finaly 75 participants. Very interesting training.
Another Workshop sponsored for Biologists was sponsored by ESHRE. 50 Participants attended to learn the techniques of sperm Preparation.
During this Congress, Dr. Moise Fiadjoe, the Founding President gave way to Dr. Ernestine Gwet Bell the new 2011-2013 President.
A Big Thanks to ISMAAR ! GIERAF will continue to work closely with ISMAAR.